domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2021

Free topic: My dog Akira (the best dog in the world)

Hello everyone, today I'm gonna write about my dog Akira. Why about her? because it is the best dog in the world and deserves it.

Akira came into my life in the summer of 2017, is 5 years old (is virgo hahaha) and is called Akira by the creator of Dragon Ball.

It is literally the main character in my life, wherever I take her or the visit who come to my house adore her,  we have to give her credit for that, she win that attention by coming to you with his ball in his mouth and leaving it on your feet putting a face like puss in boots that is impossible for anyone to ignore.
Apart from her arriving with his ball so you can play with it, if you throw it up it jumps and makes mortals by grabbing it or scale the walls making a huge jumps (she learned it alone). everything I tell it she understands, literally everything, when we are playing and I tell it "the last one and go to your bed" IT GOES TO HER BED, she is impressive and very smart. Her last show was in her first time on the beach (couple months ago), my older brother threw a rock into the sea and my dog ran after the rock, It got into the sea and alone went swimming, we were all in shock since it had never swam in her life, less in the sea, it was amazing and terrifying.

Apart from everything I have told you, for me (and my whole family) she is another member of the family, is my best friend, is my company in my study nights, when I feel bad or sad she dosn't separate from me, every time I leave she gets very sad, my family tells me that the days I spend out of my house she is depressed, and whenever I come back (even if I have left for a few minutes) he welcomes me with great joy. We have a huge connection and she is everything to me 💗

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021


Hello, today I will write about education; private and public universities.

Of my group of closest friends I am the only one who is studying at a "public" university. We all known that here in Chile the prestigious universities are the "public" ones, when we applying to a job normally those who have priority are those people who come from the University of Chile or the Catholic University, and I really believed for so many years that studying at these universities was the best and that they were the only good universities in Chile, until I started to study at the UCH... I was very excited to study here, but now I feel that the best thing it has is the prestige I will have when I'm lookign for a job. There are really good teachers who show that they love the career and teach with a lot of vocation, but I feel that the inner workings of the university are very bad, maybe it is like that just for the COVID, but I really feels an abandonment by the authorities of the university and that they only give attention to the great faculties like Medicine or Beaucheff. 

I have seen how my friends since last year go to face-to-face classes, laboratories and practices, and here only in September of this year we had a practice and a laboratory, and I find it very disappointing.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021


Hi, I think my opinion on religion was formed after several years studying in a Catholic school (spoiler, I don't like church).
Since I was 5 years old I had to go to the church almost every month and pray every morning from monday to friday, that only for the school because in my family this topic was never important. It may be strange that having so much religious influence in school from such a young age has not ended up being a big part of my life, but to be honest the religion is not important to me, I don't believe in a God or Gods that religions have, and I don't like go the church, I think it is so boring, although I must clarify that I have been informed and have "tried" with different religions. 
In junior year I realized that religion was something that didn't represent me, I only went to church when it was an obligation and tried to get to school after the morning prayer, or just standing back and listening. I have never been disrespectful to this, I just didn't participated and kept quiet, and neither I has never judged someone for believing in any religion, or has anyone judged me.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2021

Healthcare System

I think our health service in the country is deficient, very poorly managed and has very few resources, only if you have a very good economic situation can you opt for a quality care. It is unfortunate what happens with the so-called "catastrophic diseases" and how difficult it is to be able to cope with them in Chile if you have limited resources or all the waiting lists for transplants or treatments, at the end they send the oldest people to die at home because there are no the necessary resources to take care of them and prioritize to save the youngest people because they have more future.

To be honest, I have no idea and I can't think of how Chile's health service could be improved, I think the government should stop dividing the quality attention according to your resources (like FONASA or ISAPRE), how they have managed the health of the country has been very deficient.
Health should be of quality and for everyone equally and I hope that this problem will be fixed with the new constitution.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2021

the relevance of voting in a democratic system

Until I left school I never worried about politics, but I left my comfort zone and began to live new things and learn about many different realities, that's when I formed a much more informed opinion about the government and my political preferences.

Being able to vote democratically it is the only way in which all citizens can be represented (or at least most of them) and gives us the power to be able to freely express our opinions and preferences.
We all know that in Chile de "democracy" that exists is overshadowed by the politicians we have, "always the same", so voting, but well informed, is an important responsibility that every citizen has.
there are many people who do not understand the importance of voting, or who simply do not care about politics, and thats why it is so important that from a young age we are taught about these topics and that the media inform properly and not just what the government wants us to see

Free topic: My dog Akira (the best dog in the world)

Hello everyone, today I'm gonna write about my dog Akira. Why about her? because it is the best dog in the world and deserves it. Akira ...